What's With the Athletics' Elephant Mascot?

When you look back at Connie Mack's time in Philadelphia, you see a lot of elephants. There were elephant on the Athletics' uniforms. There were elephants on the hats. Connie Mack had elephant statues. There was an elephant in the Athletics' logo. The A's Christmas cards even had an elephant. Now, most fans of Philadelphia baseball history can tell you that the elephant originated from a comment by John McGraw, the famous manager of the New York Giants. He called the Philadelphia Athletics a white elephant. Connie Mack was so amused by the comment, that he adopted the white elephant as the team's mascot. But, what exactly does all of this mean? White elephants were revered in southeast Asian culture. They were seen as a sign of wealth and opulence. Rulers kept white elephants as a symbol of their power. Because white elephants were revered, they were protected from performing labor. But this meant that a g...