Latest Pete Rose Controversy Questions the Legitimacy of His Legacy

Pete Rose. To say that he is a controversial figure is an understatement. The mere mention of his name evokes strong emotional reactions, and not just from baseball fans. Some people are extremely loyal to him. He belongs in the Hall of Fame, and nothing will change their minds about that. Some believe that he is a deeply flawed person, who doesn't deserve to be honored in his lifetime. But, because his accomplishments on the field are so impressive, he does deserve enshrinement in the Hall, but only posthumously. And then you have the people who feel betrayed by Rose, who find his moral character repugnant, that they have concluded that he should never be honored with Hall of Fame enshrinement. Some in this category go so far as to try to minimize his professional accomplishments. For example, in 2016, Ichiro Sukui, an incredible hitter in his own right, passed 4,257 hits in his entire professional career. Of course, this included...